Bad Breath

Bad Breath

What you eat affects your breath. Garlic and onions, for example, contribute to bad breath. After absorption into the bloodstream, food is transported to the lungs and expelled. The odors will last until the food is gone. Dieters may develop bad breath from infrequent eating. Bacteria thrive in the mouth of people who don't brush and floss daily. Food stuck between the teeth, on the tongue, and around the gums can rot and stink. Dry mouth occurs when saliva flow slows. Saliva is required to clean the mouth and remove odor-causing particles. Dry mouth can be caused by medications, salivary gland issues, or mouth breathing. Tobacco products cause bad breath, so ask your dentist for help quitting. Bad breath can also be a sign of a medical condition like sinusitis, postnasal drip, bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, liver or kidney issues.

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