Post-Surgery Instructions
Post-Surgery Instructions
Fold a piece of clean gauze into a pad thick enough to bite on and place directly on the extraction site. Apply moderate pressure by closing the teeth firmly over the pad. Maintain this pressure for about 30 minutes. If the pad becomes soaked, replace it with a clean one as necessary. Do not suck on the extraction site (as with a straw). A slight amount of blood may leak at the extraction site until a clot forms. However, if heavy bleeding continues, call your dentist. (Remember, though, that a lot of saliva and a little blood can look like a lot of bleeding.)
The Blood Clot
As soon as the tooth has been extracted, an area of blood clot forms in the socket. The formation of this clot is an essential aspect of the healing process. Therefore, the patient should avoid any activity that could dislodge the clot.
How to safeguard the extraction:
- Do not smoke, rinse your mouth vigorously or drink through a straw for 24 hours.
- Do not clean the teeth next to the healing tooth socket for the rest of the day. You should, however, brush and floss your other teeth thoroughly. Gently rinse your mouth afterwards.
- Limit strenuous activity for 24 hours after the extraction. This will reduce bleeding and help the blood clot to form. Get plenty of rest.
- If you have sutures, your dentist will instruct you when to return to have them removed.
Your dentist may prescribe medication to control pain and prevent infection. Use it only as directed. If the medication prescribed does not seem to work for you, do not increase the dosage. Please call your dentist immediately if you have prolonged or severe pain, swelling, bleeding, or fever.
Swelling and Pain
Gauze should be clean and folded into a pad big enough to bite on. Place it right where you had your teeth pulled out and bite down. Close your teeth firmly over the pad to apply some pressure. Keep this pressure for about 30 minutes. If the pad gets wet, change it with a new one as needed. The extraction site is not a good place to get stuck (as with a straw). Until the clot forms, some blood may leak from where the tooth was removed. However, if the bleeding doesn't stop, call your dentist. Remember, though, that a lot of salivae and a little blood can make it look like there is a lot of blood.
How to eat after a tooth extraction.
Keep hydrated and consume soft, nourishing meals after the extraction. Consume no alcoholic drinks or hot liquids. After a few days, you can start eating solid meals again. Food should be chewed on the opposite side of the extraction site for at least two days. Call your dentist if you're experiencing nausea or vomiting.
Hygiene and rinsing after tooth extraction.
The next day, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water (teaspoon of salt in an eight oz. glass of warm water). Rinsing after meals is important to keep food particles away from the extraction site. Do not rinse vigorously!