Bonding Procedure

Bonding Procedure

Very little preparation is necessary for dental bonding and anesthesia is generally not required beforehand. We will use a shade guide to select a composite resin color that most closely matches the color of your existing teeth.

The surface of your tooth will be etched and a special cleaning/conditioning solution will be applied to allow the bonding resin to adhere to your tooth. Next, we will apply the bonding resin which is putty-like in consistency and can be molded into the desired shape necessary for your specific situation. Once the resin has been properly placed, molded and smoothed, we will use a special ultraviolet light that quickly hardens the resin.

After the resin has hardened completely, we will be able to fine-tune the shape of the resin as well as polish the material until it matches the sheen and overall texture of your natural teeth.

The entire process may take between 30 minutes to an hour to complete depending on your application requirements and how severe the initial issue was.

Dr. Trinh would love to meet you and your family and provide you with the dental care you deserve!
Request an appointment onilne right now, you can call us, or you can submit your request online, it's easy!